5.3_05 firmware for MR814v2 now on netgear website - Netgear (2024)

Premium Member
Las Vegas, NV

5.3_05 firmware for MR814v2 now on netgear website - Netgear (2)


Premium Member

2004-Jun-8 4:37 pm

5.3_05 firmware for MR814v2 now on netgear website

It must be an official firmware release. It is now posted to netgear's website.

»kbserver.netgear.com/pro ··· 14v2.asp

· actions · 2004-Jun-8 4:37 pm ·

Phantom 2
On no he can't
Premium Member

5.3_05 firmware for MR814v2 now on netgear website - Netgear (4)

Phantom 2

Premium Member

2004-Jun-8 6:54 pm

Thanks for the heads up laserjob.It looks like they finally have the MTU and clock problems resolved.

· actions · 2004-Jun-8 6:54 pm ·

Taylors, SC

mojo0n0 to laserjobs


2004-Jun-8 10:54 pm

to laserjobs

My 814v2 has run flawlessly since October with firmware 5.2 so I was a little concerned about flashing to 5.30.5...

But it flashed O.K. and the router is running as good as ever. Now the clock actually seems to work.;)

· actions · 2004-Jun-8 10:54 pm ·

San Francisco, CA



2004-Jun-12 4:46 pm

Just flashed the new one without erasing my old setting even though they kept saying that I should reentering all the setting. It seems to work.

· actions · 2004-Jun-12 4:46 pm ·


Whoady to laserjobs


2004-Jun-13 11:38 am

to laserjobs

I flashed my MR814v2 with the new firmware and did the reset thing per instrctions.

After being presented with the configuration wizard and doing some manual configuations, it would not "let me out of the router." I had to log back in and log out about 3 times before it acted normally. I think the instructions mentioned something about DNS proxy software.

The new firmware appears to only Band Aid the clock drift by updating more often. It still drifts badly; it just doesn't drift to where it's as noticeable. What crap. How does something like this make it to production?

I am experiencing this quirk: with only my machine (Intel PRO 100 built in NIC), I am getting slow DNS resolutions. I get the "Finding website..." message (for about 1 1/2 secs) even though I am revisiting the same site that I was at less than a minute ago. When I intentionally try to pull up a known non-existant website, it can take 5 or 6 seconds to determine that the page cannot be displayed. With every other machine on the network (wired and wireless), this only takes a split second. DNS lookups happen so fast you can miss them if you blink. What gives? Something about an Intel NIC?

If I back the firmware to the 5.03, reset and then unplug, everything seems to return to normal. It's just with the new firmware. It's got me scratching my head.

Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

· actions · 2004-Jun-13 11:38 am ·

Islam is a Religion of Peace
Premium Member
New Cumberland, PA

5.3_05 firmware for MR814v2 now on netgear website - Netgear (7)


Premium Member

2004-Jun-13 2:16 pm

said by Whoady:... with only my machine (Intel PRO 100 built in NIC), I am getting slow DNS resolutions. I get the "Finding website..." message (for about 1 1/2 secs) even though I am revisiting the same site that I was at less than a minute ago. When I intentionally try to pull up a known non-existant website, it can take 5 or 6 seconds to determine that the page cannot be displayed. With every other machine on the network (wired and wireless), this only takes a split second. DNS lookups happen so fast you can miss them if you blink. What gives?

Try this:
type "CMD" (without the quotes)
Type "ipconfig /flushdns" (without the quotes)

Its worth a shot.

· actions · 2004-Jun-13 2:16 pm ·

San Francisco, CA

dealmaker to laserjobs


2004-Jun-13 3:55 pm

to laserjobs

The disappointment was that they didn't add WPA support in this version of firmware. Some routers already added WPA support to their 802.11b routers using firmware upgrade.

Will we even get WPA support for our MR814v2?

· actions · 2004-Jun-13 3:55 pm ·

Taylors, SC

mojo0n0 to dealmaker


2004-Jun-13 7:56 pm

to dealmaker

Yea... This firmware is buggy... I have the same problem after updating. The DNS resolution seems to stall and web pages won't load. Push the "refresh" button in IE a time or two and the page might load, or it might not.
I did not have this problem with v5.21 firmware and have used this router for months without a single glitch.

And... as you say.. the clock problem is not fixed, just patched...5.3_05 firmware for MR814v2 now on netgear website - Netgear (8)

· actions · 2004-Jun-13 7:56 pm ·

San Francisco, CA



2004-Jun-13 9:14 pm

said by mojo0n0:Yea... This firmware is buggy... I have the same problem after updating. The DNS resolution seems to stall and web pages won't load. Push the "refresh" button in IE a time or two and the page might load, or it might not.
I did not have this problem with v5.21 firmware and have used this router for months without a single glitch.

And... as you say.. the clock problem is not fixed, just patched...5.3_05 firmware for MR814v2 now on netgear website - Netgear (9)

Where did you get the v5.21 firmware? I thought the last firmware version was 5.03.

· actions · 2004-Jun-13 9:14 pm ·


Whoady to mojo0n0


2004-Jun-13 9:19 pm

to mojo0n0

Thanks for the tip on v5.21. I would like to try it. Do you know of a website that has it? It is "back outable?" The 5.30.05 lets you go backwards at least!

It's good to hear that I'm not the only one with the slow DNS resolution. I'll tell you.... these router manufacturers seem to have problems with some of the simplest of things. Like a clock that's accurate!! Why even go through the trouble of building in this great scheduler if you can't make a good clock? BTW, why don't they "block" by MAC address instead of IP?

Please let me know about the v5.21. Thanks again.

· actions · 2004-Jun-13 9:19 pm ·


Whoady to ctrip


2004-Jun-13 9:24 pm

to ctrip

Thanks for the tip. I've already tried it. It seems almost as if it's some handshake protocol issue with my machine. Something about the Intel NIC that it just doesn't like.

I can reboot the machine and the phenomena will occur right away. The only fix is to unplug the router and reboot it. Then you get about 5 minutes of fairly heavy browsing and then the problem starts.

· actions · 2004-Jun-13 9:24 pm ·

Taylors, SC

mojo0n0 to dealmaker


2004-Jun-13 11:59 pm

to dealmaker

Sorry... That should be v5.021, not 5.21
I cannot flash back to this version from 5.30.5.

It may allow you to flash back to 5.03 but I did not try that because I had not used v5.03.

· actions · 2004-Jun-13 11:59 pm ·


chris_at to laserjobs


2004-Jun-14 2:50 am

to laserjobs

I also updated to this release without a full reset and things looked good, also the DNS-proxy now works great but then my girlfriend says that she couldn't load websites anymore. I put the notebooks side by side and tried the same sites - my machine was able to load, her machine wasn't.
Went back to 5.03 and everything was fine.

So I tried the update a second time but first I made a backup-file of my settings, uploaded the new version, restored to factory-defaults and then restored the settings from the previous saved file.
Now everything is fine for both of us.
Maybe this helps someone.


· actions · 2004-Jun-14 2:50 am ·

Taylors, SC

mojo0n0 to laserjobs


2004-Jun-14 5:48 pm

to laserjobs

Well... I back flashed to v5.021 (had to hack the firmware to go back to this version)... and all is well again. Tried about 40 web pages and all load first time, every time.

I noticed something else about v5.30.5, my wireless signal was not as strong as with v5.021. Not enough to make much difference but the v5.021 firmware gives me better signal strength:
v5.30.5 = 63% - 62% signal
v5.021 = 65% solid
Connected to a ME101 bridge only. Neither firmware ever dropped the wireless connnection.

So... I can live with the clock problem but can't live with failing to load web pages. Just have to wait to see if Netgear releases a fix for this v5.30.5 firmware glitch.

As I mentioned earlier, my MR814v2 ran for months on v5.021 and never had a problem. I never updated to v5.03 because there was no advantage for me.

· actions · 2004-Jun-14 5:48 pm ·

Oakland, CA

CrazyJr to laserjobs


2004-Jun-14 6:57 pm

to laserjobs

Re: 5.3_05 firmware for MR814v2 now on netgear web

I guess I'll just wait a little while longer until Netgear fix these issues, hopefully (fingers crossed). When I bought this router, it already had the 5.03 firmware. Since I don't use the clock feature on the router, I don't worry too much about it. Like the other poster said, it would be nice for Netgear to include WPA in their firmware upgrade.

· actions · 2004-Jun-14 6:57 pm ·

Phantom 2
On no he can't
Premium Member

5.3_05 firmware for MR814v2 now on netgear website - Netgear (12)

Phantom 2 to laserjobs

Premium Member

2004-Jun-14 8:55 pm

to laserjobs

Re: 5.3_05 firmware for MR814v2 now on netgear website

I've been using the new firmware update for three days now and I find that it works great.The MTU and clock issues have both been resolved.I haven't had any problems.

· actions · 2004-Jun-14 8:55 pm ·


Whoady to mojo0n0


2004-Jun-14 11:32 pm

to mojo0n0

mojo0n0 - was v5.021 a release or a beta? I am about to throw this MR814V2 out the window. This slow DNS problem is occurring with both 5.03 and 5.30.05. It's just worse and more noticeable with the 5.30.05. Somehow, it doesn't like the NIC in my machine and takes its time to do DNS lookups. Every other machine on this home network works great. Go figure.

What did you have to do to hack the firmware to get it to upload? I'm curious what's involved with this. Shouldn't using a router be not much more difficult than taking it out of the box and hooking it up?

· actions · 2004-Jun-14 11:32 pm ·

Taylors, SC



2004-Jun-15 12:19 am

v5.021 was the stable release before v5.03...
When 5.03 was released you could not flash back to a previous version, hence if it did not work for you, you were stuck with v5.03 and could not go back to v5.021 or earlier versions.

Someone figured out the fix to this was to edit the v5.021 firmware with a hex editor, and change the version number to 5.03 in the .img file. This is how I re-flashed back to 5.021 after flashing to v5.30.5. The steps to doing this "hack" are in this Netgear forum back in mid December, 2003, a couple of weeks after v5.03 was first released.
If you are familiar with using a hex editor and understand the steps it is a very simple fix.
If you would like v5.021 I will send it to you, hacked or original.

· actions · 2004-Jun-15 12:19 am ·




2004-Jun-15 7:51 am

Hey MojoOnO, would you send me the hacked v5.021 firmware. I had my best results with that firmware too and would like to roll back to it. If you can, please send it to me at Willms6@hotmail.com.

Thanks very much 5.3_05 firmware for MR814v2 now on netgear website - Netgear (14)

· actions · 2004-Jun-15 7:51 am ·


Whoady to mojo0n0


2004-Jun-15 9:19 am

to mojo0n0

mojo0n0 - pretty slick there. Now, I'm wondering why you can go back and forth freely from 5.30.05 to 5.03? It looks like a pretty stupid policy to make it where you can't back out firmwares in the first place.

Yes, I'd like to try 5.021 as a last resort to salvage this thing. Otherwise, it's going on eBay. I'm using my old Microsoft MN-500 right now and it's just quicker. The DNS lookups are almost instantaneous.

Please send 'em to "bashton" @ the domain listed on this post "tampabay.rr.com" and that will make it right to me. Sorry, for the SPAM illusion trick. I will let you know what happened and what kind of luck I had.


· actions · 2004-Jun-15 9:19 am ·

Premium Member
Las Vegas, NV

5.3_05 firmware for MR814v2 now on netgear website - Netgear (17)


Premium Member

2004-Jun-15 10:26 am

I have found that the DNS problem looks like it is due to heat (at least on my unit). Try moving it to a place where it can be cool or try unplugging some of the devices on it and see if that works. I know it is not an appropriate solution but it seems to have worked for me.

· actions · 2004-Jun-15 10:26 am ·


darknessofevil to laserjobs


2004-Jun-15 12:41 pm

to laserjobs

Re: 5.3_05 firmware for MR814v2 now on netgear web

damn... Is netgear ever gonna update firmware for Mr814 v1 users? I bought my MR814 from Amazon, hoping to get a v2 (this was during the time when v2's first came out) but I got a v1 instead... 5.3_05 firmware for MR814v2 now on netgear website - Netgear (19) I now practically hate my mr814, i currently have the latest firmware for v1 & it STILL FREEZES randomly sometimes (mostly when transferring alot of data via the network) & only fix is to power-reset it...

· actions · 2004-Jun-15 12:41 pm ·

Taylors, SC

mojo0n0 to laserjobs


2004-Jun-15 1:07 pm

to laserjobs

Re: 5.3_05 firmware for MR814v2 now on netgear website

1,211,513 bytes

File attached with v5.021 fix...
Please read the "Read_Me" file before proceeding...;)

· actions · 2004-Jun-15 1:07 pm ·




2004-Jun-15 2:25 pm

Re: rollback firmware

Many thanks MojoOno. I am going to try this hacked firmware tonight; it might save me from having to buy a new router if it works out.

· actions · 2004-Jun-15 2:25 pm ·


Whoady to mojo0n0


2004-Jun-15 9:06 pm

to mojo0n0

Re: 5.3_05 firmware for MR814v2 now on netgear website

Many thanks also. I'm about to try it now and see what happens. I will report back tomorrow sometime after it has ran for a while.

· actions · 2004-Jun-15 9:06 pm ·


Whoady to mojo0n0


2004-Jun-17 8:59 am

to mojo0n0


Here's what happened: mojo0n0's firmware worked and installed like a charm. Great job on the packaging of these firmwares and documention. Very complete effort.

The wired part under 5.021 worked great for over a day. However, the wireless portion would quit after a few hours - at least this is how I noticed it and I didn't sit there using my laptop waiting for it to drop. It did this two times so I figured that it was a part of the older firmware that just didn't work right.

So, I upped to 5.03 again hoping it would fix the wirless part. It did once only. Now, as soon as you unplug the router, it totally loses wireless capability. Wired still works. Now, you and reset it any way you want to and it just won't work. Wired works fine. No matter what I do in terms of resets and unplugs to fix it, nothing works. I'm sitting here with a totally useless router now. It's not even two weeks old. What a POS.

I am going to have to send it back to Outpost now. Too bad, it's a slick design and has nice features. My dad has an MR814V1 for about 1 1/2 years and his is still working and has never been shut off. The V2 must be where the POS part starts.

I hope that others have better luck that I did.

· actions · 2004-Jun-17 8:59 am ·

Taylors, SC



2004-Jun-17 3:53 pm

Interesting... I've never had a problem with the wireless dropping out on any of the firmware versions.

There are a number of complaints in this forums about the router dropping wireless connections. I wonder if it may be a heat issue. This router can get pretty hot...5.3_05 firmware for MR814v2 now on netgear website - Netgear (21)

· actions · 2004-Jun-17 3:53 pm ·




2004-Jun-17 6:31 pm

mojo0n0 - I belive you are somewhat correct in that you think it's a heat issue. I had to spend almost two hours with Netgear tech support today trying to figure it out. Finally, they told me that a "supervisor" was going to call me back within 48 hrs. I will say that they gave it a gallant effort to solve it.

Anyway, I unplugged it and put another router in its place right after hanging up with them. Of course, it worked perfectly. After the Netgear cooled down, I was able to make wireless connections to it. I could stay connected for about an hour, maybe two, until it loses the connection. It loses the connection when you unplug it, wait a few seconds and then plug it back it. Once it's warm, the wireless portion just stops working. I stuck a room thermometer over there and it's about 78. The case of the router does feel a little warm to the touch.

Additionally, I can tell that the wired part also slows down. The old DNS lookup issue rears its ugly head and pages take a lot longer to load.

If I unplug it and let it cool for about an hour, it works just great. So, I think your heat theory is on the money.

It still doesn't stop if from being a POC. I really don't want another MR814v2 as it looks like a lot of people are having a lot of issue with it. I'm going to tell Netgear this when they call back - let' see what they say.

They're supposed to have some kind of software solution to it. I doubt it though. They just have a huge white elephant on their hands and are scrambling to get customers happy I think.

I'll post back what they have me do and what it does. Thanks again.

· actions · 2004-Jun-17 6:31 pm ·

Premium Member
Las Vegas, NV

1 edit

5.3_05 firmware for MR814v2 now on netgear website - Netgear (24)


Premium Member

2004-Jun-17 8:24 pm

It is a heat issue as I mentioned earlier. I have the same problem with the DNS when it gets hot. Make sure you put it somewhere cool and well ventilated and don't put anything on top of it except for maybe a bag of ice. I don't know how they are going to fix this one?

· actions · 2004-Jun-17 8:24 pm ·




2004-Jun-18 9:18 am

It's been 24hrs since I last talked to them and no phone call yet. For them to call within 48hrs, it'll be the weekend. Which is fine with me.

You know, this almost acts like an overclocked motherboard. I've fiddled with a few over the years. They work OK (depending on just how overclocked) when first started, but once the CPU itself gets up to normal temp, they just lock up. I'll bet that Netgear used marginal parts and never even thoroughly tested it in reasonable operating environments - like an air conditioned house.

Regardless, it's still a POC in my mind. Let's hope that they offer an upgraded replacement for it. As I said, I'll post back what they eventually do and maybe others can follow suit.

· actions · 2004-Jun-18 9:18 am ·

5.3_05 firmware for MR814v2 now on netgear website - Netgear (2024)


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