The Journal Times from Racine, Wisconsin (2024)

To placo an ad, call 634-3331 between 7:30 am and 5:30 pm 8 am to Noon Sal CLASSIFIED th Journal Times Sunday, October 10, 1993 13C 42S Sales 425 Salaa 424 Health Car Medical 424 Hearth Care Medical 421 Situations Wanted BRIDGE Bridge is great for all ages Saturday, Oct. 0, 1S93 PHILLIP ALDER syndicalnd columnist is I II NORTH J86 A 10 7 8 I 7 4J94 WEST Q9: VKQJ864 6543 rounds, discarding two clubs from the dummy. Then he played off three rounds of spades. Here West won the last with the queen and had only hearts left. He led the queen, but Cabanne didn't win with dummy's ace or ruff in hand.

Instead, he played low from the dummy and discarded a club from hand. Now West had to lead away from his heart jack into dummy's A-10. Cabanne, therefore, could discard his last two club losers and make his contract. Suppose East has queen doubleton of spades. On the third round of spades to dummy's jack, West is in a dilemma.

If he keeps a winning spade, he can be endplayed as in the actual deal. If he retains the spade two to avoid the endplay, declarer cashes the heart ace and has 11 tricks: six diamonds, one heart and four spades. SOUTH AK43 V--- AKQJ10I 10S6 Vulnerable: Both Dealer East It is said that a mathematician is over the hill at 20. A chess player recches his peak around 30. But in bridge, senior citizens win world and national titles.

Waldemar von Zedtwitz won the World Mixed Teams Champioaship at the age of 74. And Oswald Jacoby won the Keisinger when 81 years old. Experience counts for a lot in bridge. Carlos Cabanne, who is 76, has represented Argentina on numerous occasions. He played today's deal during this year's South American Championships, where Argentina lost to Brazil in the final.

West led the heart king, making it obvious that he was void in clubs. Resisting the temptation to win with dummy's ace and discard a club, Cabanne ruffed in hand. He drew trumps in four South West Nor Ik 5 Pass Pass Opening lead: C)tfW3, EAST 10 7 5 AKQ76S2 East Pass RECREATICXAL 641 Soott, Motors, supplies 6 JACK STANDS for boat storage S200. Btmlnl top, fUS enclosure for 38ft. Carver Aft cabin $200.

639-5382 BOAT, MOTOR. TRAILER Ttt-tHiftbergtasil6lt. Bass Boat, hat 1972 Evtraude 50hp (lower ho rebuSt), electric trolling motor, 2 new batteries, Eve we, fieri locator, and new cover, bed offer or wN trade tor ATV. CoH 638-Q878 Vqm-Bpm. SEARAY 1973 24 FT.

loaded for Lake Michigan. Reduced to $6200 CaH 639-0304. SMOKERCRAFT 14' 1989 Deep Fisherman 25HP Evtnrude, Ironing motor, excellent cond $2,200. 637-0357. SYLVAN 16 FT.

BOAT with 90HP Johnson Motor. S4.5O0.COI&S4-OS17. Lots ol odds and ends to set? Place a Journal Timet Oat- srfied Ad. 634-3331. 12 FT.

BOAT 7.5 Mercury and Trailer. $560 ortrodetorATC.681-2931. 1965 DEEP 19 FIBERGLASS BOAT, 4 cylinder IO, $1 offer 639-O470. 642 Spotting Goods HT SOLD II tMt ad caught your eye, INSURANCE SAif NO PROSPECTING) We have served the problem or prospecting and WW furnish you with a the write-in leods you can handle in your area Insurance license preferred, but wW tram a hard working conscientious per son looking tor a run rime position, fiah commission. company benefits, Invested renewots.

Call Mr Joseph. i-464-me Management Trainee SIIKINO AN INDIVIDUAL TO LEARN MY BUSINESS Busy executive ot a national, publlcty held company it seeking on Individual to learn our business. Irw Is a permanent career position. Must be able to follow directions and have complete Integrity. For confidential Interview call Mr Mann, 617-4490 or send resume to American Income ute, box I8308, Milwaukee, Wl 6321B MANUFACTURER REP.

Auto aftermarket. Must Eke working with hands Exclusive territory. S40K base plus bonuses ond benefits. CoH EOE. CLEAN UP while you housecleanl Sell Hems you don't need with a result-getting CLASSIFIED AD.

Just call 634-3331 SALES MGMTI WITH A FUTURE! You can have a career with a future as an essential part ol a national company where our people are number one. We have a proven qualify line of specialty repeat order products that are used everyday by industrial, municipal and Institutional accounts. We are looking lor a self-starter with a proven sales record who is willing to work hard and grow with us. WE OFFER: Up to S35K. first year S50K.

potential Quarterly yearty bonus Car allowance Company paid Insurance Management opportunity 401K retirement program No overnight travel If you live In RACINE or the surrounding area call Bill Barnes lor a personal Interview at 800-451-0726 Mon. or Tues, 9am-5pm. U.C.INC. EOEMF SALESMARKETING Tourism Industry. Pdst experience in meetings, conventions and group tours essential.

Send resume to the Journal Times Sox 1955 212 Fourth St. Roclne, Wl $3403 SALES A growing Industrial manufacturer seeking an aggressive Individual to ad to their Inside salesmarketing team. Please send resume and salary history to Box 1954, the Journal Times, 212 4th Racine, Wl 53403 Sales MEN AND WOMEN EARN $50,000 $75,000 Per Year No Cold Calling Too Many Leads We offer a nationally advertised product that is a household name. EVERYONE NEEDS OUR PRODUCT! Preset Appointments Weekly Paid Commissions Daily, Weekly and Monthly Cash Bonuses If you are a self-starter and like getting paid for working smart, CALL NOW! Mr. Abate 1-800-880-0700 Mon.

Tues. Craftmatic Beds NURSt lpn's CNA's LPN's TO $23hr CNA's TO $llhr iiOOO Hit on tonus FULL OR PART TIME HOSPITAL NURSING HOME All SPECIALITIES Top Techs 475-7330 IIOO N. Moytak Id. Suite IOS FOR ALL YOUR SERVICE NEEDS Sao Journal Times Classified ANSWER PAOE Every Day For more information, call Classified at 634-3331 30-530 Physical Therapists Como Help Shape Our Future At Hlllhaven wo aro committed to Improving the quality ol Ulo of our patlentt and the career pathi ol our thera-piitl. Wo value the Input and experience ol our therapists.

In loci, we encourage them to share their thoughts on anything affecting current and future rehab programs. Their Input helps to, shape programs tailored to the exact needs ot the patient. As a Hlllhoven therapist you will work "on-staff" In a stable subacute rehab-oriented environment where your career can grow, leading to opportunities such as Director, Rehab Services Manager and Area Rehab Coordinator. Expansion has created the following opportunities: Mt. CarmetlurNng-fon seeks a PT DiRfC-TOR to Join our premier facility.

Be part ol a very progressive facility which also Includes a free standing out patient clinic. SheridanKenosha Is building a brand new rehab wing. We seek a PT DIRECTOR and STAFF PIS to help us develop this new department. We also have Staff PT positions In Oshkosh, Appleton, Neenah and Omro for those looking to relocate north. we offer a highly competitive salary and a comprehensive benefit package Including health and dental Insurance, paid continuing education, licensure, professional dues, sign-on bonus relocation assistance and other benefits.

See how a career with HDI-haven can fulfill your goals. We look forward to hearing from you. Please contact Lon Roessetet, Renab Staffing Manager at (iOO) 572-1775 Ot send your resume to Hlllhoven Corporation 1476 Kenwood Center 54952. EOE HILLHAVEN RECEPTIONIST Part-time for busy physician's office, 1230-4 30pm. Responsibilities include, but not Hmtred to answering phones, scheduling appointments, patient check-in and opening mail.

Please respond to Box 1951, the Journal Times, 212 4th Racine, Wl 53403. Parf-Tlme Nurses needed to work In home health agency caring lor elderly and disabled. Flexible hours, excellent pay. Must drive. (24 Main Street (Monument Square) Racine, Wl Suite IOO (414) 633-624 RN'S LPN'S CNA'S RN'S to S33hr IPN's lo $l4hr CNA's to Many assignments available tor experienced healthcare personnel lor temporary assignments throughout Southeastern Wisconsin Call Health-Staff Healthcare Professionals at 4I4-543-9BOO to arrange an appointment close to your home.

RN'S Lincoln Lutheran of Rodne has openings for RN's our long-term care sotting. Weekend ovoltabWty Is required. Pud-time positions avauoble on all shifts. Part-time and limited hour positions also available. We provide on environment that supports team management ond builds strong relationships with patients and their lamllles.

HIRING BONUSES and Benefits available for most positions. If Interested, apply In person: LINCOLN LUTHERAN of RACINE Central Offices Human Resources 2000 Domanik Dr. Racine, Wl 53404 633-0500 eaual oooortumty employer FOR ALL YOUR SERVICE NEEDS See Journal Times Classified ANSWER PAGE Every Day For more Information, call Classified at 634-3331 M-F730-5 30 RNsl-CMSI pays up to S52 0O0 and tree housing. FT hospital positrons nationwide. RNs with 1 yr of expert- ence (800)423-1739 RN With current experience, immediate opening.

Day hours available Including every 2nd or 3rd weekend. Salary commensurate with experience and area market. Contact Sister Angelica tor an appointment or send resume to St. Monica's. 3920 N.

Green Bay Rd, Racine, Wl 53404 or call 639-5050 Equal Opportunity Employer SUPERVISOR. Fun Time, for Phlebotomy section. Supervisory experience is a must. Competitive salary and excellent benefits. Apply In person at NABI, 1500 Washington Roclne.

EARN EXTRA CASH In a modem, automated blood plasma facility. Medical supervision, sale, easy relaxed environment. Appointments and walk-Ins welcome. WE PAY THE HIGHEST FEES Best way to supplement your income while providing llfe- savina products, mauire 633-0454, or stop In 1500 Washington Roclne. 425 Sales CUSTOMER SERVICE Immediate fuH-time position available In our Customer Service Department.

Must have 2 year associate degree or comprehensive experience in customer service. FuH company benefits. Send resume Including salary requirements to Ann: customer lervteo Supervisor PO Sox320 Oreendale, Wl 53129 DYNAMIC SALESPERSON NEEDED for high end audio sales. Salary based on experience. In store and some outside sales.

If you have a love lor high end audio, and are a self starter, call Al's Stereo, 886-0441. Finance REGISTERED REPRESENTATIVE Advantage Bank, a leader in the financial industry, has an immediate need lor a Registered Representative inn our INVEST Department. Qualifications needed: OUTGOING, people person Current series 7 registration Insurance license Minimum of 2 years successful securities sales Excellent skills You will receive a good base salary plus commission, comprehensive benefits, ana training. Invest Financial Corporation is a member NASD and SIPC. If you meet these qualifications, please send your resume and salary plus commissions history for the last 2 years to Advantage Sank SSI ATTN: PERSONNEL 5909 6th Avenue Kenosha, Wl 53140 Equal Opportunity Employer MFVH don't it may ne me domi syne.

Oet boM type tor at Write a Sz.OO, tor up to one rrtonrn, It your od runt on conteou-. ttve days. CaH the Journal Timet ciattltled at 414-3331 SAUSRtP National Co seeks soles REP to call on occounts your area. S40 to SSO Hrsl year Commission Potential. 405-7J6 9998 STORE MANAGER A smaS retail chain is tooklna tor a customer seMce-orl-ented, store manager Interested In making a difterencel Must be able to effectively supervise 8 12 Individuals Retail supervisory experience reaulred Competitive woqes and excellent benelils.

Send resume and cover letter wtlh salary requirements to Box 1949. the journal limes WANTED; PARI-IIME SALESPERSON, mommas Apply at: LP Auto Sales 4523 Douglas Ave 426 Education Instruction ArtenMon Racine POSTAUOSS' St2.Ofl.rxxK to start, plus benefits Postal carriers, sort ers, clerks, maintenance. For on application Si exam Infor- marion, coll 1-219-736-4715. Ext P-9172, 8am-8pm. 7 days.


In Roclne 639-2507543-5882 References Available TRAVEL INSTITUTE INC. Travel Agent Career Training. 15 week course Classes start Jan IO. Interest tree payment plan. Enroll NOW! Call Jan Maonantan for Informa tion and a free brochure.

S86-6I87 Travel Institute Inc. 5801 Washington Ave. Roclne, Wl. 53406 NOTICE NOTICE tf you call an advertisem*nt with a number that then refers you lo a 1-900 or a 976 number, please call our Classified Department at 634-3331. The Journal Times does not knowingly accept phone numbers that then refer you to t-900 or 976 numbers.

Please be advised that 1-900 and 976 numbers usually charge a lee on your phone bill. Toll charges may also be assessed In some instances. All complaints concerning charges resulting from such calls should be registered with your local phone company. Please check all companies belore tending money or giving any credit card Information over me phone. 427 Business Opportunities AREA PAYPHONE ROUTE S3.000S6000 month, Income 12 Phones.

S9.000. 800-446-9899 DIFFERENTI Highly rated DUB Co. Worldwide industry leader Propven business product Professional business Generous immediate profits Continuous Income program unlimited Corporate support Personal on-site training Protected territories 10.5K total investment Exciting new career 800-526-0053 Call SUN thru FRI. LOCAL PAV PHONE ROUTE: S12CKD A WEEK POTENTIAL PRICED TO SELL 1-800-488-7632 LOCAL VENDING ROUTE S1.2CO a week potential. Must sell 1-BOO-653-VEND LOCAL VENDING ROUTE Possible S1200 Net Weekly Buy All or Part Call 1-800-336-6360 MEDICAL BILLINO Become a local licensee for National Claims Service.

Electronic Claims Processing. Excellent Income potential 8i company training. $6995. (financing available). 1 (800) 697-1569 ext 66 (24 Hours).

RUNNING SPORTS SPECIALITY STORE FOR SALE -COMPLETE. 14 years established business. For more information call 632-4699 VENDING ROUTE Local area available. Easy cash weekly. Part-timeFulltime Low investment.

Call BRAND NEW State ot the art game sweeping the country. Wins every time 5 Hrs. nets $1250rwk. Minimum Investment 800-726-4671. 428 Chlldcare Directory CHILD CARE.

Days. 6 wks 3 years. 21st Taylor. Experienced 637-7755 CHILD CARE: Experienced mother, lunchsnacks. Reasonable 681-9702; 639-5717 DEPENDABLE CHILDCARE 9 years experience, my norfhside home.

For further information call 68 1 -201 5. DEPENDABLE CHILD CARE my Northsiae home. Want to 4 yrs. Full-rime preferred. Playmates Peterences.

681-1253. Experienced mother wiH do chiidcare her apartment. SI 25 per hour 681 -H02 LOVING MOTHER wm babysit in her Caledonia home. Hot lunch Shen at 835-1273 MOTHER witn child care experience, fuH lime, playmates ft lunches 637-1495. 427 Business Opportunities Aurn I'M rium a-vvrii i will vnii Retail Party 7 i miiu raper oiore 1993 (, si Lategory 0 Entrepreneur Magazine 63 Stores Growing 7,000 -v Discounted Party Paper Items Minimum S50.000 1 Cash Required GUM Smith ft Wesson 4506 stainless, lyr.

ok) $450. lAVLOfiDURAND AHtA Mother give quoWy core In her home CoH SS 91 to 4)0 Services Offered CAHWt CUANINGJanllorlat Service. Residential and Commercial. Complete housecleanlng. 24 hr.

Service Coll In 637-1444 431 Jobs Wanted PRIVAIl PARTY WILL CLEAN VOUR HOME Coll 637 8141 OR 637-O057 MERCHANDISE 626 Craft Items Sales CRAFT SUPPLY SAL OCT. 169-3 PM. 23 1 8 HAMILTON AVE. RAINDATE SUN. OCT.

17 All CRAFT SHOW OCT. 9 A IO. 10-4PM. MEMORIAL HALL 72-7TH ST. (HWY 20) PHONE 432 1939 ST.

AT'S ANNUAL ARTS, CRAFTS, AND ITHNIC FOOD FAIR. Oct. 1A, Sam-opm till Douglas Ave. S27 EstateMoving Sales ESTATE AUCTION SUN. 1 1 AM 2534 James Blvd.

AKER CO. MOVING SALE. 4203 15TH ST Sat Sun 9 3pm. Boys, girts and womens clothes In an sizes. Antique sewing machine, Victorian style wedding dress sue 9, kitchen table, misc.

household Items. Everything Must Gol MOVING SALE IN GARAGE Furniture, garage heater, lots misc. 1435 Orchard St. or call 532-8798 528 Rummage Sales 16TH ST. 61 15.

Sat and Sun 84pm. Baby clothes, flower pots, and misc. CENTER 32 Inside Sale: Sal. 8i 9am-4pm. Lots ot stuff! Everything cheopl CHARLES Huge Rummage! Clothing, furniture, glassware, etc.

Thurs 9-4. DUNKELOW (Off Hwy 38) No Early Salesl Antiques-beds, furniture, glassware and more. Small appliances, tots of misc. Vears of accumulation. SAT 8-4; SUN.

12-4 GETTING A LITTLE CROWDED? GARAGE SALE SEASON IS HERE) Remember that the Journal Times provides Garage Sale Kits If you place an ad with us for 3 day or more. Call 634-3331 lor more Information. Watch for our upcoming Garage Sales Promotions. GREEN ST. 381 1 Big Rummage Salel Sat Sun 9om-5pm Harmony Dr-1500.

Rummage Sale. Thurs -Sun. 8-5. Glassware, tools, bikes, trikes. ISLAND AVE -316.

Off Spring St. Sun. 9-3. Misc. Items, 2 upholstered chairs, gas stove, air conditioner, wood dinette set, chest freezer ROSEDALE Ladles clothes, vacumm cleaner, twin electric blanket, smokeless Inaoor gnll(new), typewriter, misc.

Fri, Sat ft Sun 8-4 16TH ft RACINE ST. Vi block So. of J-Wax). Fitness ft elec. equipment, art ft pet sup-plies, lots more.

9-5. COMIN0 SOON! A Gigantic Antique and Rummage Tent Sale. Rain or Shine. Oct. 16, 17.

See details next weekend. 83S-4SOI. FISHING TACKLE SWAP 8l SHOP Your old rods, reels, lures, etc. SUN. OCT loth, 12-4pm PIKF CREEK OUTFITTERS 4507 7th Kenosha 654-5411.

Table rentol available lot. S3. All rental lees donated to Kenosha Sport Fisherman's Association. 529 Office Equipment WANTED TO BUY USED OFFICE FURNITURE. Need desks, chairs.

fHe cabinets, etc. 6398075 530 Miscellaneous 4 PIECE furniture set S2SO. New Hco*ked-On-Phonics Reading Set SP50 Call 633-2381 after 5pm AMERICAN AIRLINES Round trip Milwaukee to New Orleans. Nov 5-I5TH. S229 Call 633-85Q7 BLACK EUROPEAN STYLE motorcycle (ocket, size 44, SI 75.

STAMINA 5000X gym with stepper, S225 554-5281 BLONDE WOOD BABY CRIB. very good condition Advanced Dungeons ft Drogons 2nd edition, 1992 trading cards, complete set. 639-OI95 CHILD MOTORIZED JEEP Good condition, with rechor-gaote batterycharger 590 best offer Cad 632 2520. COLOR TV 19' great condition S75 Brand new microwave, larger model, hordly used S125 FuH size water-bed, very perty design 632-8383 ENGINE HOIST: we welaer; tools, car and 19 boot; furniture. All reasonable otters consitfeed OCT SOLD If this ad caught your eye, It may be the bold type.

Oet bold type lor as Drue as OO, far up to one month, II your od runt on consecutive day. Call the Journal Timet ckjfwd ot 44-JJJ1 Men 1 Coral Diomona Cluster Rng Men Putsor Gold Wach Musi set 632-3313 Janrronal Equipment. OVung room set. wosner ond dryer, prcmcn tools 632-73'8 JtNW LINO cno, metres, ft beddrig $75. Groco car seat uo to 40 fc SJO Both 639-5991 LIGHT FOft PCKX TAAl Wany ttye leooed srrjned gnoii SJOO Cat Kenosha, 1-694-3573.

63 7-53 1 7 offer 5pm. REMINGTON MODEL 1 1OO 1 2 GAUGE, $3 75bett offer. CoH 554-6588 SOLOFLEX Uke now condition, butterfly and log extensions included. S6SO or bait offer. 639-0206.

WEIOHT LIFTING MENT; Bcdysmith bench (incline ft decline), squat rock. Olympic bar ft 400bt. $550. 637-5317 after 5pm. BILL'S GUNS Buy Sell Trode 886-5169 643 Campers Trailers i 'iUiiiniMiyi NBwnpwpor FrimrprHlg Ansa 535 TV-Stereo li Computers APPLE lie COMPUTER Monitor, printer, and lots Of software, $300.

Cad 639-7748 HEWlfTT -PACKARD LASER 1 PRINTER, $325. CALL 635-0653. SHARP 46" PROJECTION TV. Stereo, mint shape! SSOO. Call 639-Q596 after 3pm SONY HOME STEREO, very nice, 175 watts per channel, comes with amp, receiver, dual cassette.

5 disk carou sel CD player, and 4 MTX 12" woofer speakers, still under warranty. SSOO or best offer. Call 637-6778. TV'S ft VCRS FOR SALE Prices start at SSO. 90 days warranty.

Call Mlchal's at 1-763-6683 APIECE HOME SIEREO with rack, and two 3-way 12" speakers, $400. 13" ZENITH color TV, $100 552-7289. ZENITH 25" SOLID OAK CONSOLE TV with remote. Works fine $150. Call 554-5424 after 7 pm.

WANTED TO BUY: TV ft VCR'S, working or not. IO Yrs. old or newer. Top dollar paid. Call 1-763-6683 537 Pets-Dogs, Birds, etc.

AIREDALE PUPPIES, excellent bloodlines, home-raised, 6weeks, S4QO. 1-679-9134. Aklta, American. Eskimo, Basset, Beagle, Bearded Col lie, Bichon nise, Boxer, carm Terrier. Chihuahua.

Chow Chow, co*cker Spaniel. Collie, Dachshund. Dalmatlon, Doberman. English Bulldog, German Shepherd, Golden Retriever, Irish setter, Malt ese, Miniature Plnscher, Miniature Schnauzer, Old English, Pomeranian, Poodle, Rat ferrler, samoyea, scot tish Terrier, Shift Tzu. Siberian Husky, West Highland, York- shire Terriers, Yellow Lab, Retriever.

Abyssinian, Himalayan. Maine Coon, Persian, ana soman kittens. PETLAND Regency Point 2310 S. Oreen lay Rd. (Near Phar-Mor) Roclne 10-9 S4jt.iO-7.Sun.ll-e SS4-6773 ALASKAN MALAMUTE Spayed, $25.

CaH 632-4445 after 3. BEAGLE PUPS (2) AKC registered. 7 weeks old. Both parents good hunters. $125 each Call 835-2618 BENCH Si FIELDPURINA SCIENCE DIET IAMS TUFFYS Dog, Cat and Puppy Feed Shavings and Straw KLIMA FEEDS, 886-9424 Hwy.

in fronktvtlle BLUE FRONT AMAZON, talks. Byrs. old. $475 or best offer. 554-1893 anytime.

BORDER COLLIE PUPS Registered, shots. Good pets ft Stock dogs. 1-642-949Q CATS (2). 2'A years old, brother and sister, must stay together, fixed and declawed, FREE to good home 632-4121 am's. co*ckER SPANIEL PUPPY Male, 7 weeks old.

$150. 1-694-9482. ENGLISH BULLDOG, male available for breeding. Has papers, bloodHne 632-562Q GERBILS, (4) BLACK, FREE TO GOOO HOME. CALL 633-4858 GERMAN SHORT HAIR POINTER PUPS.

AKC registered. Good hunting stock. GERMAN SHORTHAIR PUPS. AKC registered. 5 females, i moie S2WJ eacn oo i-ov OET SOLD If this ad caught your eye, may be the bold type.

Oet bold type tor at little at $2.00, tor up to one month, your ad runt on consecutive days. Call the Journal Timet classified at 634-3331 GOLDEN RETRIEVER AKC dew claws removed. Ready Oct 6 $275. 681-2095 KEESHOUND PUPPIES 6 weeks old. Purebreds with no papers.

1 female ond 1 male SiOOeach 637-4503 KITTENS (2) 7 weeks old, FREE to good home CoH 632-Q143. LAB PUPPIES Chocolate and black. Pure-txed Can 553-9844 LAB PUPPY Purebred. 1st shots, wormed, of accessories. $150.

1 YR. OLD mote cat-neutered $50 638-8872 LOST ft FOUND ANIMALS low Cott SpayNeuter COUNTRYSIDE HUMANE SOCIETY I70 Chicory 54-7344 554-6499 SHARPEI IO MONTHS OLD CALL 564 SHIH TZU 2 year old femole. Housebroken. shots. Col 657-0414 SHiH TZU or YOlASHlSf TERRIER PUPS.

AKC 552-8929 atet4pm TOY POOTXfc Mom. 3 mot. old AKC Vet checked, excellent drtpotrtton S300. Cat 835-1141. wid ems Mix $4 eSSO tot.

Thtttle Seed $7 SO to fee. MAMV UNWUf SIROFIIMtlftSumttS KLIMA FIIOS, 44-4434 Hwy. tf, and H. FronttivWe Ftf to lovmg home-1 year c3 Biocst Lao mm neutered. Movmg needs room to run and ptcry 884-1526 oher 5 637 Pets-Dogs, Birds, etc.

YORKSHIRE TERRIER PUPS 2 Females, $300 each. co*k 639 9220 FEMALE HUSKY SHEPHERD 7 years old, FREE to good home, excellent with children, needs room to run and tender loving care. 886-9319 after 4:30. NEW OBEDIENCE CLASSES Storting Tuesday, Oct. 12, and Monday, Oct.

25, evenings. Umtted class size. Lou Angetcore 886-3337 PUREBRED BLACK LAB FATHER: COLLIE MOTHER, FEMALE PUP. Dewormed, S50. Call 639 8344 538 Farmers Market BRED FINN, EWES LAMBS.

GRAIN FED. AND 857-7252 KLEMA HORSE SWEET FEED PURINA COMPLETE PELLETS Quantity Prices Available KLEMA FEEDS, Comer Hwyt ft Franktvllle, S86-9424 SHELL CORN and COB CORN FOR SALE S5 00 per IOO. Call 686-2306 539 Auction Sales ESTATE AUCTION SAT, OCT. 16 Selling the Anthony Rewald Estate-Located at 424 Kendo! Street. BurUngton, Wl Delta woodworking equipment, planers, jointer, radial arm saw, table taw with fence, band saw, drW press, wood turning lathe, shaper with cutters ft routers, snop- smlth, Tootcratt drill press.

Sears router ft. table, drills. damps, sanders, machinist tools-Atlas lathe, bench grinders, arbor press, 2 heaw duty compressors. cabinet bead blaster, metal cutting taw, hand ft power tools, wooden onttaue tool chest fuH of block planes ft woodworking tools, simplicity snowbiower ft morel Terms: Cash. Times Past Auc tion Services (414)539-3198 540 Machinery Toots FORKLIFTS 1-MA40 automatic wtlh bad engine: 1-MA40 manual with high and low, runs good.

S3500 for both, or best offer. 634-5811 between 7-3 30. 541 Wanted to Buy OLD JUKEBOXES AND RELATED ITEMS. CALL552-7701 OLD TV'S VCR'S Working or not working. Call 554-5010 WANTED TO PURCHASE Little Big Books published by WWtmdn Publishing Company ol Rocine, Wis.

Desire books In good to excellent condition. Contact R.K. Mat-ott, 16 Harwick Descent, Napean, Ontario, K2H6R1, please advise dsklng price. WANTED TO BUY: PIANOS Cash paid for Spinets and Consoles Will Pick-up. can 552-451 542 Fireplace Fuel ASH.

BIRCH, HARD MAPtf, HICKORY, OAK. Seasoned. S60Facecord: $160Fu cord Call 554-7196 FIREWOOD; 100 OAK stocked, prompt deliv ery $60 face. SI 50 full cord. CaH 1-483-3045 FREE FIREWOOD for houBng For tnlormatlon-Ccm 632 5751 USED WOODEN PALLETS FREE! Check any day on West side of the Journal Times, 212 4th fust North of loading dock doors on Wisconsin Ave NO CALLS PLEASE, fust loke them.

Hrsr come Hrst serveai 544 Lawn A Garden AL'S TOP SOIL Pulverized and Regular. 2 to 15 yard deliveries Also day f. Coll 878-5193 or 884-0207 SLACK DIRT SCREENED AND PULVERIZED 3 YARDS AND UP. FILL DIRT, SAND AND STONE 639-8756. OUR FALL SEASON IS NOW OPEN for your dig your own shrubs and frees, and instant trees.

Thomas Plantation, 1913 5 MUeRd. 639-4462. PULVERIZED and SCREENED TOPSOIL Colored landscape gravers, cobblestones and boulders. Rov Hmrz. Hwyt 38 ft H.

Caledonia 835-7770 545 Good Things To at APPLES, POIATOES. CIDER, pickles, tomatoes, dressed chickens, ft ducks. Harold Proeber. 2 mSet N. of FtonksvlHeHwyH.

CIDER FEST WEEKEND! (This Sat ft Sun.) Come watch apple cider being pressed Free pony rtdet and pumpkin panting Pick your own apples ond ratpoemet. Shoo the Form Market doily from 9-6 with Ireth fruftt and vegetobiet, crafts and morel Many, many purT tarn to chooee from. SCHAEFtrS OeCHARD SOVO TH tT Town of I ay mood (between Mite tg.ftHwylQ.m-m6 MRSHEYS CMOCOtATl In bote Osps ft cocoa Cc 86-354 PUMPKINS. Sweet Pototoe. Gent.

Mumt, Aooes. Sauosfi ioriyntw'i, Wcerwxj-ton Ave 846-2235. S32 Household Goods DINNING ROOM SET: table 6 chairs, buffet, double bed with mattressbox spring Uke new 3 piece sectional sofa. Excellent condition. Garrard turntable Byoppt 681-0419 OET SOLD It rhlt ad caught your eye, It may be the bold type.

Oet bold type for at little at (l tor up to one month, your ad runt on consecutive days. Call the Journal Timet classified at 6J4-J331 GREEN COUCH AND CHAIR $75. Caloric apartment size Stove $123. UJH 6BI-UJV4 after 53Qpm KING SIZED WATERBED Waveless mattress. S50.

Call 635-0284 or 633-0818 ask for Jay. KING SIZE WATERBED Bookcase headboard, 4 drawer, 3 door pedestal. 5125 634-1BI1 KIRBY HERITAGE II With manual. Great condi tion with attachments Including sprayer. Win sacrifice for S250 Call 639-0720 KITCHEN 1ABLE, $25.

2 CHAIRS, S15 EACH. CALL 632-8344 KITCHEN TABLE, 5 drawer chest, matching chairs, cane bock chair, 1 nomas organ, ping-pong table. Reasorv able Moving 637-5385 LARGE SOFA. $65. ROCKING CHAIR, S30.

BARREL CHAIR, $30. CALL 886-1287 AFTER 3:30. MATCHING COUCH, chair and ottoman. Green and light brown ptcrid. S5QO or besrorrer 633-vbvu MUST SELL ELECTROLUX car pet shampooer, still has 4 year warranry.

used once. Asking sjrjopest BB-Sifvi NEW CLOTHES DRYER, $350. Kitchen table, S150. Bed- room set. S3QO.

554-1261 PAIR OF OAK STOOLS $60. New microwave $75. Dining room table $30. End table $1Q Wine cart $35 886-8618 PIT GROUP; Dark Brown, condition, asking iOO Call 639-7044. QUEEN SIZE WATERBED $225.

Matching dresser S150. Chrome dinette set $50. Can 637-1272 or 637-1074 QUEENSIZE WATERBED WITH PEDESTAL Must sell Best offer Call 554-2049 REFRIGERATOR GAS STOVE, $200. ANTIQUE BED. $25.

CALL633-1503. RUSTIC bunk bed. $75: ARM chair, $4G. ROUND glass top chrome table with 4 chairs, $125 Call 886-9829, 9-5. SOFA 2 END TABLES CALL 554-1622.

SOLID BUTCHER BLOCK PEDESTAL TABLE, 54" round, $250. Call 632-4552 after 6pm ot weekends. WATERBED Super Single, SIOO. Call 632-1081. 25" color TV, occasional choirs, recllner, step lamp table, round coffee table, Stiffel lamp electric typewriter with table, drop leaf kitchen table with 4 chairs, electric range, mangle, refrigerator, misc.

household Items. 632-7976. Red Victorian Couch Excellent condition $995 or offer. 1920 Black velvet dress. Approximately Size 9.

Gossip bench, $45. Call 637-8313 533 Appliances Major Electric stove, S1IO; Refrigerator, SIOO; Sharp carousel microwave, SIIO; Queen woterbed.S175 639-OI94. GAS STOVE GOOO CONDITION AVOCADO GREEN, S50. CoH 634-4452 after 5pm. ELECTRIC RANGE Excellent condition.

$75 ot best offer CoH 637-2241. MAGIC CHEF 30" gas range with telf cleaning oven, avocado, very good condition $100 681-2186 RECONDITIONED Washers, Dryei ft Slaves. Delivered ft warranted. CAN REPAIR, 14QQ Douglas Ay 632-9993 KPNMOOf POCTAAIF DISHWASHER: good condl- non, asking 5 IOO. 639-d986after3.

WHIRLPOOL refrigerator, whrte, 2 yrs. old, $350best. Mmicondmoni 632-8798 534 Musical Instruments BABY GRAND. Walnut cabinet. Instrument In excellent condition S2600 639-2730 BABV GRAND PIANO Appraised S3 500 Save tg at S25QO or 7 681-2386 BaiDwin spinet Piano Perfect condition S800.

633 9452 Dj KknPMtNT it-M r- a with controller ft a lour sght chaser At 3 pieces lot $350. 554-68 7Q JACKSON BASS 4 string. 1 rece. octtve electron. 1 of a land pom scneme.

case Must see ft hear $850 or bef 632 3e7 3 THOMAS CONSOLE PANO Great condition $500. COM 639-7748 530 Miscellaneous NEW FULL SIZE complete bed SIOO Baby crib SSO. 2 room chairs 520 each. 20" boys bike S40 632 5534 NINTENDO With 3 controls, gun and 8 games Si 25 oi best otter. OIL FURNACE 98.000 BTU, on tank and stock.

Good tor garage, S300. Jensen wood burner. SSO Call BJ5-2Vj PIZZA ft RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT. Sinks, gas fryers, gas grills, carts, lots of stainless steel Selling out. 762-4088 RADIO CONTROLLED TRUCK Team losis 1992-93.

World Champion, racing truck. Complete with all electrics, cnarger, raaio, oartery. Lots of extras. SIOOO Invested, best offer. Call Jm 554-7648.

SCHWINN AIRDYNf DELUXE EXERCISE BIKE Uke new, only 300 ml. $350. Call 884-0225 SOLOFLEX Stepper, weights and bench, complete dark room equipment, new men's medium long learner coat, '77 Ford LTD 637-8358. SPA'S-SOFTUBS Buy from the fastest growing Spa company in the A. INC.

500 LIST 1992-1993 6.9 FINANCING $54-4844 STORAGE SHED BxlOxB All wood, treated floor, double doors, shingled roof. Built from tcratchl S850 Brand new! MUST SEUI 639-8284. SURROUND SOUND PROCESSOR with speakers. Asking $150. Call 652 -648C WEDDING DRESS Traditional oft the shoulder style.

Site 56. 5200.638-8402. WOLFF TANNING Sf OS New commercial-Home Units from $199. Lamps-lotlont. Access.

Monthly poyments as tow as $18. FREI NEW Color Catalog, Call Today! 1-BOO-462-9I97 WOOD SIOVE, 29 double door front, stacks, front screen, 5225offer 635-0352 5 MINI SNACK VENDING MACHINES. New, never used, S550 each 633-3464. 531 Antiques Collectibles BARN SALE China cabinet, felly cup board, round oak table, oak tavern tables, wicker fernery, oak commodes, small Duncan Phyfe tables, oak kitchen tables with chairs, hall trees, depression glass, oak dressers, walnut dressers, old school desks, oak library table, wooden tele phones, sets of old chairs, wararobe, portery, advertising Items, farm pumps, plows, trunks, Currier ft Ives dishes, many pieces of furniture In the rough, too numerous to list. lOO's ol small Items tor the collector, lake a Sunday nde in our colorful countryside.

SUNDAY OCT 10; 8-4 5838 4 MILE RD RACINE'S NORTHSIDE (1 mile West of Hwy 3 lor 1 mile East of Hwy 38) NAPANEE HOOSIER CABINET. S40O. Victorian walnut toveseat. S250. Walnut china hutch, S450.

Marble topped wash stand. S250 3 Wiliet solid maple table leaves, S30 694-5975 35 YEAR COLLECTION. Harp, lights, poles, brass cash registers, chandeliers, church tabernacles, 762-4Q88 532 Household Goods ANTIQUE dining room table, 6 chairs, $975. Shower chair on wheels, $50 886-8715. ANTIQUE Jenny Lind twin bed with box spring ft mattress $275.

Stained glass, tulip pattern 512' 3' with oak frame $325 or best offer. 884-0225 BARCA LOUNGER, new, 38" sauare cherry coffee table. Osier kitchen center, never used 886-5274. BEDROOM SET-. Armoire, triple dresser, mghtitond.

headboard and frame. Make offer 631-3330 or 554-8326 BEDS: TWIN ft FULL WITH DRESSER SETS. Co 639-6284 BOVS CAPTAINS BED $99, matching dresser 2 dressers, Twhrte. 1 brown S49eoch.Al good condition. 635-0315 BSOYHILL 6 ft.

blue couch. very good condition, asking S450. Coffee table, two end tables offer 632-7610 CHERRY headboard ond footboard, with side roils, fits double or queen sire bed, like new $165 634-5759 COUCH ft MAlCHtNG LOVE seat. Earty American Earth tones. Uke 639 8337 COUCH, marching enc SI 25 set 3 brass gass tables SIOO Musi sell 634-8716 COFFEE lABii S8 886-8715 Dmng room set; tacxe poos.

6 chart cxjffet. choirs need 634-252Q ChninG IABlE 60i40 Bev-ewd gloss, ook Cost tnm. 6 upholstered choni, $450. 639-9Q72 STOVE $125. Got stove $75 Warner $75 Queen toe waterrjed $50.

6S4-0373 AUCTION Over IOO BVt PRE-OWNED AND 1993 CLOSE-OUTS JL Fold-down Campers True Campers Travel Trailers 5lh Wheels Motor Hornet SATURDAY, OCTOSSft 23rd 12 NOON Till PM EARLY VIEWINO e-11 v-Retreshmentt AvaHabie Low Rate Financing Ccime Moke Your SkJI THESE GREAT RVS WILL BE GOING ONCE, GOING SOLD We won't camouflage this great Wisconsin's Largest Volume Dealer per Stattttloal Survoyt 1SOO-522-6112 414-763-9595 J. Hwy. 36 North 20 Mtnutet West of Roclne Frl, 9-S. Tuet ft Thurt, 9-6. Sat 9-A Sun 17.

fall opportunity. No motorhome soles on Sun. BURRO 13 FT. HOUSE TRAILER Good condition. SI.SOO.

Co 554-7383 Jobs like These just CROSS COUNTRY I98S LS SPORTS COACH 31 It. Base-ment Model Motorhome, kxxjed, norvemoker, very See c4 9612 Mtcrtfgan Ave, Sturtevanl. Come around too otten. We're hiring full and part-lime people to help us sell and distribute our trrrifir lines of hunting. FORD VAN 1976, with Turtle Top, stove, refrigerator, sink, automatic furnace.

S1200. Cat 637-2423. fishini? and campins equipment and we offer the 'i kinds of pay and scheduling that fix. make life outside of work all the more worthwhile. See if we can tailor a schedule that fits your busy lifestyle! Openings include: Telephone Sales Reps Work lull or part-time, day, evening or night.

A pleasant phone manner, friendly pervmality and basic rypingVeyboard skills are all you need. Our team members enjoy: Good pay incentives HUNTiRSt tett Mutt teS. 7SO. 61T-8M8 SERRO CAMPING TRAILER. setf contained, huntert dream.

No roaeonobto oftor refuted, fjreetont condritort CaH634-2207 SuHUTE POP-UP 1992 Sleeps 6. Furnace, rofngoro-, tor, ttnk, stove, many occot-. soriet Used once. Uke now. S4SOO or offer 639-5999 TERRY RESORT 1989 5Th 21Hft Seept 6 txceHent condttlon S6500 Srm, COS 554-6962 before 1 1 30am TIOGA MOTC HOME ST OFFER CoH bWce 2 884-024T DEERHUNTERSI IS ft tetf con.

toned, travel of camper. Very good condition. Mull $'2V3-rer 554-1317. FOR SALE: MOIOR HOME. S-ccntcned.

1973 Ford. Never seen snowl 51 1 tot stx. Free lot win or storage. S3'50 37-78J3 645 Snowmobiles JOHN DEf SPCTr4 IveO 440 tree me stort. evcleot condmon.

cnty 1400 rroet, $996 632-l4i Paid holidays Paid training 20rr merchandis discounts Interested- Come by our pervmnel office, and well fill you in on all the details. The office if open Monday-Friday, 8 pm and Saturday, 8 im-12 noon at 8338 Washington Ave-, Suite 105, Racine, Wl 53406. (Converuendy located next to Enenada Restaurant.) Jy' Opporttrty Empfoytr MrfTAV "A farrtattx piacs to work and.

The Journal Times from Racine, Wisconsin (2024)


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Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Birthday: 1992-02-16

Address: Suite 851 78549 Lubowitz Well, Wardside, TX 98080-8615

Phone: +67618977178100

Job: Manufacturing Director

Hobby: Running, Mountaineering, Inline skating, Writing, Baton twirling, Computer programming, Stone skipping

Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.