The Harlan Daily Enterprise from Harlan, Kentucky (2024)

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The Harlan Daily Enterprisei

Harlan, Kentucky

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THE HARLAN ENTERPRISE VOLUME TWENTY SIX HARLAN KENTUCKY RIDAY MAY 6 1927 UND THE LOOD PAGES TODAY in ii ii i SUBSCRIBE tO THE RED CROSS AND HELP MISSISSIPPI SUERERS! No 16 DR TRUETT HONORED In May JUDGES OR THE BIG COUNT STILLS CAPTURED K1WANIS LUNCHEON the as cent rom Arkansas City to Vicksburg cry department of church fill! 1 on Tttiizu 1 1 1 nJ nr I in eV tiu i 1 ii preferable GLORIA SWANSON COMING! 200 100 of CALLER AT THIS OICE GETS THE MONEY in the BUY OUT CONECTIONERY TO BUILD NEW BUNGALOW CHILD BITTEN BY DOG beautiful your loyal and devout ef HI SCHOOL GIRLS WIN BASEBALL GAME Harlan High School Baseball Reported $111325 LITTLE INANT DIES AUTOMOBILE BLOWN UP 500 5510 RAILROAD CARS LOADED (Continued on Page 4) would tell them levte had been was re Mullins the fire at the train officials said that which the White boys has the am the star one certain of the COLORED BRICKLAYER DIES ROM DRINKING CANNED HEAT 200 925 200 1800 2500 Miles Six Levees Break Twenty our Hours $5000000 More Asked CITY COLLECTOR PEBLEY AT CORBIN SHORT OVER $21000 I A You can either or evening in by 11 METHODIST CHURCH NOTES Rev Edw Hall Pastor CHRISTIAN CHURCH NOTES Rev Steffe Pastor Harlan Countv Chapter Americ can National Red Crout Harlan Ky Upon recommendation Hoover and myielf just returned from disaster area Central Committee CIVIL TERM CIRCUIT COURT WESTERN i JAMES IESER Acting Chairman LOGAN DEEATS SWINEORD IN ORATORICAL CONTEST Tuesday In Connection With Hold Up In The Cawood Building An automobile belonging to a man named Johnson was blown up Tues day night at the lower end or North Main Street No one has been ar rested for the deed Club ac Wm When the $25 in gold wasgiven away Saturday aftemoorij 'rench Hensley proved the lucky man His number was 007174 This Saturday the drawing will be at Jew elry Store on Central Street Mrs Cawood has contracted with the General Construction Co for a handsome 7 room bungalow at a reported price of about $12000 It will be built on her lot below the Landrum residence on North Main Street Work will begin at once SUSPICIOUS MEN WERE ARRESTED heights Each and member is determined Arch Mullins shot Tom McKeehan Saturday afternoon near Golden Ash Mullins became enraged at Mc Keehan because he chastised one of his grandchildren McKeehan ported to have fired at Arch first and the latter returned with fatal results 1 RADER IS MAKING A RUN AWAY RACE Hon Jones who has been Bell County for the past week was a caller at this office Wednesday and left a big order for campaign cards in his race for Circuit Judge He stated to The Enterprise man that he had entered into the race with a vigor that had no ending until the polls closed on Aug 6th BEV BAILEY KILLED AT RAILROAD STATION BIG CROWD HERE SUNDAY HEARS LABOR LEADERS TALK BOYS GO TO THE 7 HOUSES REORM June Arnold colored and a well known bricklayer died at his home in Georgetown Monday afternoon from drinking Ar nold was a splendid brick mason He leaves a family Harlan National Bank Citizens National Bank irst State Bank Estill Wallace bought from Baughman his confectionery in the New Harlan Theatre building and will hereafter conduct the business His brother will be in charge Mr Baughman will devote his entire time to the insurance business of the Cum berland Co There were 5510 rmlroad cars loaded in Harlan County last week or approximately 275500 tons of coal in an auditing report by Messrs Lynn Quigley and Mayos it is said that City Collector Pebley of Corbin is short in his accounts over $21000 The shortage is since 1925 Much sympathy is felt for Mr and Mrs Blevins in the loss of their little infant son at Pineville Satur Uay Burial that afternoon The Annual Spring Conference of the of the Upper Cumber land Association will be held this your at the Baptist Church at Cum berland on June 13th Mrs Clarke of Liggett the District Su perintendent is planning an excep tionally good program and urges the ladies to attend Miss Pearl Bourne the State Young Peoples' Leader will be present and is on the pro gram for a talk (tf) about 100 miles flood or backwater is verywhere Trains Loaded With Refugees The Um 1 ouisiana parishes already covered cither entirely or partially arc Morehouse East and West Car roll Ouachita Richland Madison ranklin Tensas Catahoula Con cordia and Avoyelles Water stream ing from four breaches in Mississippi River levees is moving down to join barkwaters from the Red Ricr while flood waters from the Ouachita and the volume released by breaks in Arkansas cover other portions of the territory Tallulah virtually was abandoned as its population fled to Vicksburg and Delhi before a lake released by a break in the Mississippi embank ment near Milliken's Bend Residents of St Joseph and Waterproof spent a sleepless night awaiting the jingle of telephones which that the Villa Clara smashed Train service on 25 1005050 1505050 50 100 25 100 100 5050 As a means to this end they have called to their assistance three experts in the line of Religious Educbtion The dean of this school of instruction is Mr Claud Cummins secretary of the Kentucky Christian Bible School Association with headquarters in Lexington Mrs Holton Ball expert in Primary Methods and Mr Mayse arrish director of Religious Edu cation Woodland Church Lexington are other members of the faculty The courses of study are: Primary Department Materials and Methods Principles of Teaching The Educa tional Task of the Local Church Rvfugee Camp Near Natchez Like Children's Playground The team will cross bats with the Lynch High School team Saturday after noon at 2 o'clock at Georgetown Park A good glime is expected Go and root for the Green and White Team Mr I Rader of this place who is a candidate for Attorney in this the 26th judicial district has visited all parts of Bell and Harlan Counties and nothing but the best of news comes to him in his race Mr Rader is a good lawyer a good citizen and would make a most excellent State prosecutor hav ing served in a similar capacity in the Jackson Clay Laurel district for six years previous to his coming to Harlan He made a most erstwhile record as a prosecutor and stood high at the bar in each county of his dis trict He is a man of winning personal ity and can cope with the best in the legal fraternity His claims should be given earnest consideration Sunday School at 9:30 Mr Geo Pope Supt Classes for all ages Come and bring the entire family Preaching at 10:30 A by the Pastor The service will be a special Day Service Subject An Uncrowned There will be a Mother's Day Pageant given in the Sunday School Auditori um at 7 :30 There will be 30 characters in the Pageant Come and enjoy it with us Prayer service on Wednesday at 7:15 You always have a hearty welcome at the Methodist Church Carefully American Saturdav money or be in the Dr George Truett pastor of the irst Baptist Church of Dallas Tex was unanimously elected presi dent of the Southern Baptist Con vention at the opening session of the seventy second annual meeting of the body in Louisville Wednesday Dr Truett succeeds Dr George McDaniel' of Richmond Va presi dent of the convention for the last three years He was nominated from the floor by Wiley of Musko gee Okla Dr White of Hen derson seconded the nomina tion which was made unanimously by a rising vote following motions by Nowlin Arcadia la and former Congressman Will Upshaw of Georgia our vice presidents elected were: Dr Darton Anduliisia Ala Upshaw Georgia Mell Athens Ga and A Bateman Asheville Other officers of the convention were re elected They were: Hight Moore Nashville Tenn and Hen ry Burnett Murfreesboro Tenn sec retary George Norton Jr Lou isville treasurer and William Patrick Harvey Louisville auditor The convention which represents eighteen States in a territroy supplied by more than twenty seven thousand churches with a white membership of 3708253 members and colored mem bership of 2300000 held its first or opening session of a five day meeting Wednesday morning at the Jefferson' County Armory beginning at nine Those from Harlan attending the convention are: Messrs and Mes dames Smith A Ellison Arthur Thompson Cole Phelps Mrs Howard Rev and Mrs Black Mesdames Cochran Tye Pen nington Rice Carr and Miss Jennie Ellison Messrs Hugh Jones Preston Bass A Whitcomb and Dotson Sumlay about 11 a big crowd of people estimated at from 600 to a thousand composed of men and a good number of women heard speeches from Mr Lawrence Dwyer International Organizer for the United Mine Workers Secretary Thomas Kennedy William Turn blazer Granny Read Milton Harbin Pola Ellis and Pete Campbell of Louisville The big lot on the corner of Central Street and Cumberland Avenue was used for the occasion Each speaker was introduced by Mr Dwyer and was given the closest attention in the appeals on behalf the principles they represented Otis Hoskins was chairman of day at the Kiwanis luncheon yester day and his talk on the Memphis Convention which meets next month was fine He extolled that many virtues in high style Tom Douglass favored the with two excellent solos being companied on the piano by Mrs Noel The attendance was 100 per and a great outburst of applause en sued believing the club had been vic torious in the 10 week contest The attendance prize given by Bill Richmond was drawn by Dr Murph Howard The Kiwanians and their wives are cordially invited to the Pineville dis trict meeting tonight to a big ban quet and all who can attend should by all means do so leave on the morning train and attend but the morning is much Near Golden Ash Saturday Afternoon Mullins Held To Grand Jury The German Police dog belonging Junior Stegall bit little Sam Green Denham son of Mr and Mrs Denham Sunday afternoon thru the car His wound was dressed at the hospital and he is alright now Unified Morning Services: Bible School at 9:30 Communion and Preaching at 10:30 Junior Senior at 6:30 Evening Preaching at 7:30 Midweek Services on Wednesday Night at 7:30 Our Standard Training School is in splendid progress each night at the church at 7:15 to 9:30 The Christian Endeavor is also having a school in expert methods Our enrollment is half as large as the Lexington school THE JUDGES AND CLOSING RULES ARE ANNOUNCED IN THIS ISSUE 300 500 50 100 fl 00 100 100 Ashlin Logan of Midway junior at Centre College riday night was declared the winner in the Kentucky district in the third national oratori cal contest on the Constitution of the United States Swineford of Berea College was named alternate Hanratty of the University of Kentucky was the third speaker in the contest which was held at the Second Presbyterian Church under the auspices of Centre College at Danville Logan will represent Kentucky in the meet at Detroit May 17 On two previous occasions he was placed second in this contest and has an unusual record in forensics at Cen tre College The Detroit contest will be the semi final national meet and the winner of it will go to Los Angeles to compete for national hon ors Young Logan is a brother of Mrs Weiler of this place 5000 1000 50 60 100 Mrs Rodgers Cawood Employees of Harlan County Coal (o Evarts Ky (re ceived from Landrum additional Perkins Harlan Coal Co Lig gett liarlun uel Co Yancey Shonn Ky Easley Hamilton Blaine Bolling Day A Taylor Mrs Adron Brown Elmer Howard Woodall Geo Meadors loyd Clifton Stanley Clifton Kerlin Stansbury General Jackson Hensley Kallam Hot Dog Stand Mrs Williams Taylor Brothers rank Helton Omma Allen Johnson Jane Nolan Burchett Howard Smith Chevrolet Ky Harlan Superior Coal Co Smith Leonard armer Olive Sam McManaway Byrd Shackleford Warren Gaddie Wells Hoskins Miracle Miss Minnie lerly Walter Hodge Wm Tate Wordup Mrs Casey Loyall Supply Co Garfield Ward Lequire Sumpter Joe Allen loyd Campbell John Walker Martin A Calhoun A Barnett Clengar Hoskins Shoemaker Roscoe Byrd A Wilson Mcarland John Howard Richard Dolph Isaac Howard Joe Mitchell Carmany Thomas Helton Parsons Mrs Hughes Clay Green A Sampson Johnson Joe Horn Ray Creech Norton Norton Elmer Long Wm A Wilder Berry Steve The United Artists Corporation has granted to the Manager of The New Harlan Theatre a special favor by booking Gloria Swanson's latest picture in Harlan ahead of Louisville or Cincinnati Gloria Swanson in Love of her first in dependent picture in which she plays five dinerent roles Never in history of the screen has any played that many roles in any production The Roxy Theatre in New York City the finest theatre in the world selected Love of for their opening picture and the the atre goers of New York City praised this as one of the finest productions the world has ever known Lovers of Gloria Swanson should not miss this wonderful picture which will play at The New Harlan Theatre Monday May 9 for an engagement of one day only Received at 1KV 77 2 Extra Washington 543P May 2 1927 Lawton Oklahoma High School girls won the National Basketball Championship of 1927 at St Louis 5 All remittances and subscrip tions should be carefully addressed to the Campaign Manager Salesman ship Club The Haaian Enterprise This will insure absolute accuracy and will prevent any of them from going astray 6 Second payments upon sub scriptions turned in at some previous period of the Club must be marked as such on the subscription blank 7 All checks should be certified in payment for subscrip tions except individual checks from subscribers 8 The itemized receipts that have been issued by the Club Department should be carefully examined by the member to see that the second pay ments (if any) are identified prop erly on the roceitps If there are any errors of any kind notify the Captpaign Manager personally or in writing at once The Campaign De partment will not be responsible for clerical errors unless proper notifi cation is given after which correc tion will made This notification must be given not later than riday May 6th 9 All subscriptions sent in by mail will be accepted and counted by the judges provided the envelope bears a postmark before 9:00 10 The official count of votes will take place Monday after all subscri tions have been turned in and proper ly listed The Judges or their representatives will be on hand to direct the closing 50 100 100252525 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 10050 200 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 5050 100 100 100 3J00 2525 100 New Orleans May 5 Six new breaks in the Mississippi River levee in the last twenty four hours two of them between Natchez and Vicks burg the flood waters of the Mis sissippi and its tributaries now total 15000 square miles in Mississippi Louisiana and Arkansas and set a new army of refugees on the march to safety The situation today is: Two hundred and fifty thousand more homeless Ten parishes the first two tiers along the Mississippi flooded Levee at Villa Clara plantation weakening before waters and threat ning all Lower Louisiana Water streaming down to join Hoods from Red and Ouachita rivers Trains racing in advance of flood to carry refugees to safety Delhi Miss village of 700 norm ally grows to 5000 over night refugees swarm in Break at Bend releases vast accummulntion which sweeps xiown on number of villages River stationary at Natchez and is were riding was shot up consider The Judges: WEILER ALDHIZER HOSKINS flooded area that emergency situation now demands minimum ten millio ndollart This meant doubling original quota each Chapter If you have already raised double your original quota Please continue your efforts to secure as amount as possi ble In thfs crisis confident we can depend upon your continua tion of forts BUY STUDEBAKER AND ERSKINE CARS LOOD COVERS OVER 15000 the Vicksburg Shrcvesport and Railroad was annulled and al! equipment not pressed into relief service was re moved from the territory Delhi sit uated on a ridge west of Bayou Ma son is a place of refuge for hundreds of residents of the lowlands The flood is expected to reach Del ta point today and trainmen believe much of the trackage between that place and Delhi will be curried away The Harlan Christian Church a larger vision of promoting program of the church Their bition is increased efficiency in Sheriff George Ward left Sun day morning for Greendale accom panied as far as Pineville by Deputy Sheriff Metcalf with the fol lowing boys for the Houses of Re form: Tom Brooks age 14 charged with injuring personal property and general delinquency Paul Baker age 14 same charge Wilburn Middleton age 16 same charge Mat Redmond age 16 same charge Bristol Winton colored age 11 same charge and Woodard Lyttle escaping a few weeks ago from the school was "also taken back but returned Monday as he was now over 21 years of age The Salesmanship Clubs end Sat urday night at 9:00 Many things can happen between now and that time Ambitions may be achieved and hopes may be repaid The only safe way is to be prepared by having enough votes Even this sched ule gives thousands of votes on sub scriptions Second payment will like wise receive the benefit of having had the previous payment credited under a greater extra vote offer Second payments count tremendously in votes and not a few of the interested mem bers are waging their battle on the second payment basis The rules and details of the clos ing of the gigantic prize distribution is announced in this issue of The En terprise The judges who will offici ate at the closing of the campaign and supervise the counting of the votes and award the prizes are also announced Everything is in readiness for the gong to be sounded except a few intervening hours These are being made the most of by the mem bers who expect to win the choicest prizes in the list Not a single sub scription will have been overlooked by the time the anxious members fin ish their race and the closeness of the result which is apparent from in 4 that each and every one put forth a special effort to exceed all past per formances in getting subscriptions The apparent closeness of the race makes it all the more interesting and highly exciting It is a race where a spurt on the part of anyone of the members would change "the line up completely A supreme effort put forth between now and Saturday night will change a commission win ner to a big prize winner And any laxity on the part of those who have tone well up to this time is to spell defeat at the hands more energetic members Great Vote Score Votes are attaining new with every passing hour every member is determined that laurels won shall not be wrested from them orces are being marshalled every where to make the last hours of the big club count heavily in favor of those who seek the high honors riends are aiding their favorite in a most commendable way and are eager to further assist them in winning one of the very biggest prizes fisted Great rewards are in store for those who strive and win The choicest cars on the American market today are included in these prizes there fore there is abundant reason for such great activity With the closing hour a few hours on and such wonderful prizes stake it is not surprising at progress being made by those mem bers who are in to the last fully de termined to win The big rush will come Saturday night at 9:00 when the race will end and someone will be the owners of the awards Rules for the Close Read The Enterprise and The Salesmanship Club ends night May 7th at 9:00 1 All subscriptions and checks to cover them must ballot box of the Salesmanship Club department by that time 2 The doors of the Campaign De partment offices will bo closed and locked promptly at 9:00 Sat urday night and no one will be al lowed to enter after that time to turn in subscriptions However it is pos sible that all of those who are in the offices at that time with subscriptions to deposit in the ballot box will not be able to bo waited upon and their subscriptions deposited by that time Therefore those who are inside the Campaign Department offices at that time will be given sufficient time to make their deposit in the ballot box 3 Members must be careful and see to it that their subscriptions and remittances tally exactly 4 A ballot box will be placed in the Campaign Department office at The Harlan Enterprise office Satur day May 7th in order that all mem bers may have the privilege of secret balloting at the end a Natchez Miss May 5 Nestled aiuopg giant moss boarded oaks more than a thousand flood victims today found refuge at Camp Whit field Cheerful but restless and anx iousto get back to their homes the adult refugees gather in groups thru the day with the veterans recounting Other floods but to the children it Was a perfect holiday The camp reminds one of a chil playground as a majority of those finding haven there are in their teens or below While youth pre dominates age also has its quota and section sgqd negroes to whom life down the camp streets in the negro in refuge camp is no novelty sit before their tents many of 'smoking pipes Previously Harlan Wallins Coal Corp Office Pineville Walter Jackson Baxter Jftibert Cambrell Manchester A Pickard Barbourville 'Mahan Williamsburg Myron Graham 2818 Mel rose Ave Cincinnati Hmployees of Harlan County Coal Co Evarts Ky (re ceived from Landrum) Bardo Amusem*nt Co Bardo Dr Rowland Cawood 100 100 50 100 25 50 50 100 225 100 50 Members Are Making the Last ew Hours of Campaign Count the Most of Them Big Circulation Campaigh Comes to a Definite End Night at 9 IRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Chailes A Ray Minister Opened' Monday With Judge orester Presiding Large Docket ARCH MULLINS KILLS The following have consented to act as Judges in the counting of votes cast in the Big Salesmanship Club thTh the Prizes the successful mem bers The Harlan Enterprise and The Harlan American feel honored in having such representative citizens offi ciate at the close and assure each and every one a fair and impartial count Messrs Seward and Wright were arrested Tuesday in the Joe Tamei Store on Main Street I hey were supposed to be the men who held up Pearl Pace and Will Smith some three weeks or more ago in the Ca wood building about 11 o'clock at night Chief of Pplice Pearl Noe Deputy Jailer Earl Brock and Deputy Sher iff Metcalf made the arrests On being asked as to their identi i fication Mr Pace tells us they are the men who entered his room that night and held him and Smith up Others are also wanted in the case it is said Judge orester opened the term of Circuit Court Monday with a large docket to be disposed of The following compose the petit jury: Lewis Lee Howard Leander Skidmore Hiram Cawood Lz Blanton Hamp Jones Kelly Wick Jones Mrs A Ball Wm Ballou Henry Hensley Metcalf Carrie Skidmore A Howard Mrs Saylor Wm El dridge Howard John Mc Creary Bird Bledsoe Lem Ball Jr Sergent JL Middleton Lige Morgan Stewart Ed Parkey A Creech Middleton Dew ey Middleton and Aily Howard The following have purchased Studebaker and Erskine Cars the week from armer Motor Co: Mrs Jones High Splint Erskine Six sedan Nunn Cawood Erskine Six sedan Roy Owens Cawood Ers kine Six sedan Owens Ca wood Standard Six Studebaker se dan itzgerald Cawood Ari zona Sheriff Studebaker red Jones Harlan Big 6 Studebaker Command er Alfred Moore and George Nantz prohibition agents assisted by Pearl Howard deputy sheriff and Adrian Metcalf deputy Marshal made a moonshine raid near Incline Sun day and captured a complete copper still 50 gallon capacity 200 gallons of beer 5 50 gallon fermenters 200 pounds meal and two gallons of liq uor They arrested George Napier George Holbrook and James Gross The two former were held in $1000 bond and the latter $7500 which Gross failed to give at Pineville About three miles above Incline Messrs Moore and Adrian Metcalf captured a complete still in opera tion and a 50 gallon still 250 gallons Ot Efl crnllnn 1 worm 16 feet one inch diameter and two gallons of wine They in rested James Sergent Lawrence Sergent and Kermit Sergent and they were held also in $1000 bond by Commis sioner Rollins at Pineville Last Week Of Big Sales manship Club Near End Every Member Determined STORES MAKE IMPROVEMENTS Pennington the past week installed a mechanical refrigerating show case in which he keeps vege tables fresh of all kinds He has placed the case at his front window and it presents a nice appearance Grocery Chappelle owner installed a 12 foot rimdaire coming reports make it imperativemeat show case electrically lighted atiu can oe Kept constantly at a tem perature of 40 dergees above and can be made to go as low as 10 Mr Chappelle also has a rigidaire vege table case in the front window of his store keeping all vegetables fresh and fine The improvements to both stores' add greatly to the appearance of each and should be appreciated by the buy ing public Sundnv Mav Rfh 1097 i Sunday school 9:30 A Morning Worship 10:45 A 1 Junior Christian Endeavor 3:30 I Senior Christian Endeavor 6:45 I Evening Praise Service Kiuuudv wm ue iHoiner uay our church and will be observed an appropriate sermon by the pas tor assisted by some of the mothers of our congregation Please wear a white flower in memory of a mother who has passed away and a colored flower for a mother who is living Our Senior Christian Endeavor has been re orfeanized and will hold its regular sessions on Sunday evenings at 6:45 All young people who are not attending elsewhere are cordial ly invited to attend and take part in these meetings Interest and attendance at all of our services is steadily increasing and we are especially grateful for the fact that new members are being added each Sunday There are still many in our community who ought to be more closely identified with our church and we extend a cordial invitation to any such to unite with us Reports have reached here that Tuesday about nine at Roa donald Ky four miles out of Man chester in Clay county on the railroad a shooting affray oc curred between Bev Bailey and three White boys in which Bailey was killed This is considt red an out break of hard feeling which has ex isted between the Bailey and White families for a number of years About five years ago two or three members of the White family were killed by the Baileys it is said Details of the shooting are lack ing it being said that John White Jr White Jr and another White were on the train as it came from Manchester to Barbourville and lit the Roadonald station the shoot ing took place with Bev Bailey who was at the station being killed As to the number of shots fired and who started the fray it is not known The report is that on the excursion train the day before when some thousand Clay countians visited Cum berland Gap and the Pinnacle Bev Bailey stuck his pistol in the ribs of one of the White boys and made threats No fight occurred however on the tram the coach in expected to begin falling today ably Rich cotton sugar cane trucking hardwood and oil and gas lands flood STANDARD TRAINING SCHOOL a or hundreds of miles in Arkansas and Louisiana along the Mississippi there are only scattered places not under water.

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The Harlan Daily Enterprise from Harlan, Kentucky (2024)


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Author: Edmund Hettinger DC

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Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

Birthday: 1994-08-17

Address: 2033 Gerhold Pine, Port Jocelyn, VA 12101-5654

Phone: +8524399971620

Job: Central Manufacturing Supervisor

Hobby: Jogging, Metalworking, Tai chi, Shopping, Puzzles, Rock climbing, Crocheting

Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.